AuthAPart - Flexible and Standard based authentification solution

AuthAPart is a software IP designed to quickly and simply integrate with your device.

The authentication solution is based on FIDO Alliance specifications, which are driven by governments, financial institutions and leading companies, such as Google, Microsoft, Intel and ARM. Major consumer products are developed around these specifications – Google Mail & Services, Windows 10 and Dropbox are only some of those.

Enabling FIDO on your device will open your product to a growing ecosystem supported by the most important companies & institutions of the moment.

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PolyMCU - An open framework for micro-controller software

All semiconductor vendors provide SDK and tools - generally for free - to enable makers to quickly write software for their hardware platforms.
Specifications such as ARM CMSIS or vendor independent SDK such as ARM mbed have been trying to enable makers to easily move their code from one platform vendor to another one.
PolyMCU - a new open-source micro-controller framework - aims to combine all the advantages of all existing solutions into a single open-source project.

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